GB series打标机保养/Maintenance for the GB series machine
请不要忽视机器的清洁以及以下部件的保养;否则将会影响机器的性能以及使用寿命/Don’t neglect the cleaning and maintenance of following unit of the marking machine; Otherwise it will adversely affect your machine’s performance and the service life
使用环境温度10℃~30℃/Ambient temperature 10℃~30℃
水箱温度25℃/Water chiller temperature 25℃
定期检查水量,避免无水开机/Check the water level regularly, avoid no water running the machine
定期清理水箱内部器件,防止尘埃导致短路/Clean the dust inside the chiller regularly. Avoid the dust cause circuit
工具/Tools: 气枪/air gun
定期清理水箱入风口滤网/Clean the inlet of the net filter in chiller
工具/Tools: 气枪/air gun
每天清理工作台废料/Clean the worktable everyday
工具/Tools: 抹布和气枪/Cloth and air gun
定期检查并清理透镜/Check and Clean the F-Lens regularly
工具/Tools: 软布和酒精/soft cloth with alcohol
定期给升降轴加黄油/Add butter for the axis regularly
定期给升降部件加润滑油/Add machine oil to the mechanic parts regularly
工具/Tools: machine oil
定期用气枪或吸尘器清理机器电子部件,避免尘埃导致短路/Clean the electric parts inside machine regularly
工具/Tools: 气枪/air gun
定期清理吸风机风管;避免堵塞/Clean the exhauster pipe regularly, avoid stuck
工具/Tools: screw driver
定期清理吸风机内的废料,防止卡机/Clean the waste inside the exhauster regularly, avoid stuck the exhauster
工具/Tools: 气枪和刷子/air gun and brush
工作完,关机/After work, turn off machine
工作完,关电脑/After work, turn off computer